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New Course:

Structural Dynamics Fundamentals 


Join me, Silvia, in over 40 hours of pre-recorded video lectures as I give you a better understanding of the mechanics and mathematics that are the foundation of Structural Dynamics.

Course Outline

1.General Introduction (Lecture 1)

a.Fundamental Objectives

b.Types of Loads

c.Method of Discretization

d.Equation of Motion

2.Review of Fundamentals (Lecture 2)

a.Assembling a Stiffness Matrix

b.Linear Algebra

c.Solving Differential Equations

d.Fourier Series

3.Free Vibration Single Degree of Freedom Systems (with and without damping) (Lecture 3-4)

a.Components and Equation of Motion (EOM) of Dynamic Systems

b.Definition of natural frequency/period

c.Influence of gravitational forces

d.Influence of support excitation

e.Simple harmonic motion

f.Undamped Free Vibration

g.Damped Free Vibration

4.Response to harmonic loading (Lecture 5-6)

a.Undamped systems, damped systems

b.Resonant response

c.Accelerometers and displacement meters

d.Vibration Isolation, Evaluation of damping in SDOF

5.Response to Periodic loading (Lecture 7-8)

a.Fourier Series expression of the loading

b.Response to Fourier Series loading

c.Exponential form of Fourier series solution

6.Response to impulsive loads (Lecture 9-10)

a.General nature

b.sine-wave impulses

c.rectangular pulses

d.Shock (or response) spectra, Approximate analysis

7.Response to general dynamic loading (Lecture 11-12)

a.Time domain: Duhamel integral for undamped systems

b.Numerical evaluation

c.Response of damped system

8.Formulation of MODF EOM and evaluation of matrices (Lecture 13-14)

a.Dynamic equilibrium conditions

b.Axial-force effects

c.Elastic properties

d.Mass properties

e.Static condensation

f.Damping properties

9.MDOF of undamped free vibration (Lecture 15-16)

a.Vibration frequencies

b.vibration mode shapes

c.Flexibility formulation

d.Orthogonality conditions

10.MDOF analysis of dynamic response: superposition (Lecture 17-18)

a.Normal coordinates

b.Uncoupled equations of motion (undamped)

c.Proportional viscous damping matrices

d.Uncoupled equations of motion (damped)

e.Linear modal superposition procedures

11.Earthquake Analysis (Lecture 19-20)

a.Numerical Methods

b.Response Spectra

c.Modal Analysis

© 2020 by Silvia Mazzoni, Silvia's Brainery, Santa Monica, CA

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